Monday 19 March 2018

Commission - A Happy Home

You know, my life used to be pretty sweet. Me and my best friend Tatiana moved to the city about a year ago to find success, love, money and to generally just have a good time. Which was cool at first but things changed pretty quickly. At least for one of us.

Tati found work quickly while I remained luckless. I was happy for her for sure, but I found myself alone a lot of the time. Our nights out became less frequent because she was tired from work, I hadn't made any new friends because I did little else but interviews and hang out with Tati.

Things got even worse when Tati started hanging out with work friends after her shifts. I was spending even more time on my own now, I started to become withdrawn and my general mood was pretty low. Then my luck changed, but it wasn't for the better.

Of course, Tati got a boyfriend, I mean who wouldn't love her?! Bloody Nick! God I hated him. Still, at least with Tati in a relationship she spent more time at home, but unfortunately that meant more Nick too. 

I was the epitome of a third wheel. At dinner they'd sit next to each other making googly eyes while I sulked, they sat making out on the couch when we tried to watch movies and I was ignored. I couldn't remember the last time me and Tati spent any time together and it absolutely sucked. I fell into depression and turned to food for solace. At least Ben & Jerry didn't ignore me.

Things carried on this way for several months, I'd managed to pack on 76lbs on my terrible diet of junk food, I had the time to exercise but I didn't. My appearance took a hit too, I just didn't care that my hairstyle had grown out or that I was losing my tan. I barely ever dressed and when I did it was in stretched out sweats. I just stayed holed up in my room while the couple of year had noisy sex just the other side of the wall.

The night my luck changed I was a sight to see, one hand buried in a bag of Doritos while I stared at my dwindling bank balance, pale gut peeking out from under my t-shirt. I had to get a job soon, at this point I was beginning to get desperate. I had bills to pay and my increasing weight meant that I needed new clothes pronto. I was searching jobsites when I kept getting interrupted by the same persistent pop up advert, I'd clicked it accidentally a couple of times as I was moving from page to page.

"Fors god's sake!" I shouted out in exasperation as I clicked on it for the third time. This time I actually read what it said though. 

Receive the blessings of the Goddess Empanda!

Are you down on your luck?

Out of work?

Can't find a partner?

Friends don't have time for you?

Bestow $5 tribute to the Goddess Empanda and turn your life around!

I laughed at the notion, "as if stuff like that exists" I said to my screen. As if it were listening to me the words on the ad changed to:

Have a little faith, stuff like this really exists.

"Whoa, must be some sort of new ad that uses your mic" I thought, again the words changed.

The Goddess Empanda hears your prayer Kelsey.

I shot up in bed, spooked by how this ad had just used my name. "Did they have ads that smart now?!" I thought. I'd never heard of anything like it. Against my better judgment I entered my PayPal details and gave a $5 donation. "Maybe they'll leave me alone now" I said aloud as I settled down to sleep for the night. I didn't even notice the ad change to say.

Blessings be upon you, child of Empanda.

I woke up the following morning feeling like a weight had been lifted, looking down I could see that wasn't figurative but at least I felt in a better mood. "Now if only I had a healthy bank balance all my problems would be solved" I laughed to myself as I checked to see if that $5 had left my account yet, maybe I could cancel the transaction. I was not ready for what I saw. $1 million in my account.

"No fucking way!" What kind of cruel prank was this? I refreshed my browser and it was still there. A call to my bank had them trying to set me up with a more appropriate account for my wealth. I couldn't believe it, I had to grab something to eat and drink, clear my head. My cupboard was bare.

"Wish I had some bacon" I said to myself. For some reason I felt compelled to check the fridge. Sure enough there was a pack on bacon in there!

"Tati! Is this your bacon?!" I shouted into the living room.

"No, you know I don't eat bacon" she replied.

"This is so weird!" I whispered as I started cooking, then it hit me "The blessing!" I couldn't believe it was real, it was like I was getting anything my heart desired. I was still lost in my thoughts as I sat down to eat my bacon sandwich.

"Like she needs bacon" I heard Nick sneer

"Oh hush" replied Tati "she's having a hard time adjusting, I'm sure she'll sort herself out soon enough"

I saw red.

"Sort myself out?!" I spat "I moved to this damn city with you and you left me here to rot while you had the time of your life! You're so stupid sometimes Tati!"

A glassy look came over her eyes and a dumb expression on her face before she answered me.

"Oh please Kelsey, like, you just need to make more of an effort, get a job and stuff and lose that weight and you'll be fine okay?" She said with a sickening smile

"Fine? Fine?!" I screamed "God I wish you felt how I feel so you'd know what I've been through"

Before my eyes she visibly changed. Her breasts swelled against her bra but it wasn't just the cups, the band snapped as the rest of her body swelled too. A large, heavy gut formed and forced the waistband of her leggings to roll down before her thighs split the seams on them. Her hairstyle grew out and her tan faded. 

We both covered our mouths as everything that had happened to me over several months happened to her in the space of seconds. I saw her eyes tear up as she finally spoke.

"Oh hunny, I like had no idea how sad you were" she said as she charged toward me and wrapped me in a big hug. "I like love you, you know?" she said in an airheaded timbre, "I want you to be happy too!"

"Don't worry" I replied "I think things are going to be ok" I smiled through my tears.

Before I could continue though I was interrupted.

"Okay? Okay?! You've just turned my beautiful girlfriend into a fat slob like you somehow and things are going to be O.K?!"

Both Tati and myself turned and glared at Nick. It seemed that along with becoming a little less smart and taking on my appearance Tati had also inherited my dislike for Nick.

"Oh fuck off Nick" she squeaked "You're the reason my lovely Kelsey has been feeling so sad! Maybe you should get out of here you prick"

"Oh fine, that's the way you want it? Be big fat lesbians together" shouted Nick as he got up to leave.

"Not so fast Nick" I stated calmly "I don't like the way you treat my sweet Tati but I don't like to break up a relationship. If only there were a way to fix you...." I said with a smirk on my lips

"No. Please!" Was all he could get out before I'd made my choice. Nick soon found his belly hanging over his boxers, his t-shirt fell away exactly as I'd hoped and we were able to take in the spectacle of his body hair falling out and his breasts swelling into a shapely form.

"Watch this" I whispered into Tati's ear as his boxers gave way and we witnessed his cock and balls shoot up back inside him as he continued to fatten into a girl that surpassed both myself and Tati in weight.

"Oh Kelsey she's perfect" squealed Tati as she twirled the long hair of the newly minted Nikki.

"How may I serve you mistresses?" She asked

"You'll find a maid's dress in Tati's old room" I replied "get this place cleaned, we're moving somewhere a lot bigger" I smiled.

"As you wish" came her monotone reply.

As Nikki made her way into the other room Tati remarked "Shame you didn't leave her with a cock, we could've put that to good use"

"Oh we don't need cock from the likes of her" I replied as I motioned to the bulge forming in my panties.

Tati got a big smile on her face as she snagged what was left of my bacon sandwich and led me to the bedroom.

Yeah, my life used to be pretty sweet but now it's absolutely great!

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