Thursday 28 March 2019

Battle Fat sections 6-7

Claire spent the rest of the day and well into the night conversing with Vega-11 pausing only when the AI reminded her that she should go and eat dinner which she did in the privacy of her own room so that she could continue getting to know the voice in her head. They were even on first name terms with Claire finding it unnatural to keep on adding the 11 to Vega whenever she spoke.

Once 23:00 hours rolled around Vega-11 suggested that Claire might want to get some sleep but she still had plenty of questions. One was concerning her more than others though and she decided to ask as she snuggled down under her blanket.


“Yes Claire?”

“You... You don’t have the power to control me... do you?”

“Not that I’m aware of Claire, as far as I can tell I can’t do anything without your express approval. I can suggest things to you or make you aware of facts that you may have missed but you are firmly in control. I hope that alleviates your anxiety somewhat.”

“Thanks Vega, I feel much better now. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight Claire” replied the AI.

Vega woke Claire at 06:00 hours as they had agreed so that she could shower and grab breakfast, Claire found it odd waking up on time without the aid of an alarm but found the experience far superior. Vega suggested that Claire grab a second serving of porridge oats as she had a vigorous day ahead of her to which she agreed. She finished breakfast feeling a little full but ready to finally get testing underway.

Once 07:00 hours rolled around Claire found herself dressed in little more than her underwear stood in the middle of the testing facility with many interested onlookers. Feeling rather apprehensive, she hugged herself as she awaited instruction.

“Just relax Claire, there’s nothing to worry about” came the voice in her head.

“Thanks Vega” she whispered her reply, still feeling a little foolish seemingly talking to herself.

Soon enough Doctor James spoke up.

“Okay then Connors, let’s begin the testing, shall we?”

Claire simply nodded her response.

“Very well, the first thing I’d like you to do Connors is ask Vega-11 to summon the stealth suit.”

“Err... Vega?”

“Yes Claire?”

“Could you summon the stealth suit?” asked the unsure young test subject

“Of course Claire” replied the voice of the AI in her head

As soon as the words had been heard then Claire noticed something heading towards her at a phenomenal speed. She braced for impact by closing her eyes, shielding her head and raising her leg to try and deflect the blow. But the impact never arrived.

Instead she felt the sensation of garments adorning her body, on opening her eyes she could see that she was in fact clad in what appeared to be a skin-tight bodysuit that ran from just below her neck and covered her entire body seamlessly. It had even managed to work its way under her standard issue underwear.

“Take those off won’t you Connors?” Asked Doctor James

Claire complied with his wishes and there were many murmurings from the assembled onlookers, she felt uncomfortable with so many people giving her their attention, as if they were appraising her body even though it was the suit they were more interested in.

“As you can see, the stealth suit contours to the user’s body specifications” started James “It’s constructed from a lightweight material that is resistant to all weather conditions as well puncture and tearing damage not to mention the revolutionary chameleon tech that we have implemented here which Connors will demonstrate now, Connor’s - against the wall and activate vanish mode please.”

Claire carried out the instructions of Doctor James and soon enough all that you could see of her was her head. James droned on about how the chameleon tech worked but all Claire could think about was how weird it was that she could see straight through her body, hell, she couldn’t even see her body!

She was roused from her wonderings by a question by one of the onlookers.

“This is incredibly impressive doctor but what of her head? Surely the suit is useless if her head is visible.”

“Yes of course, this is merely a prototype demonstration” replied the Doctor “the final product will include a full head hood that totally obscures the wearer’s head from view, making them completely invisible when vanish mode is activated.”

The Doctor’s words led Claire to day-dream once again, how would it feel to be totally invisible? To be completely sealed in the form fitting suit? Her breath caught in her throat and she coughed a little.

“Are you feeling okay Claire?” asked Vega-11 “I’m recording an elevated heart rate”

“I’m fine thanks Vega” replied Claire while she wondered if Vega-11 could also sense her slight arousal at the thought.

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