Monday 28 January 2019

Commission - Vengeance is Fat part 6

Lara and Greg pulled up to Ramone’s house at around 3pm the following day, Greg decked out in a casual shirt and jeans and Lara opting for a flowing sundress, her wardrobe having shifted to fit her newly enlarged figure once again.

They were greeted at the door by an enthusiastic Latina woman.

“You must be Lara and Greg! Come in Come in! Ramone is so pleased you could make it, it’s been an age since he’s seen any of his old friends!”

“Well it’s a nice surprise to run into him online like that err...” Greg paused 

“Oh where are my manners?! I’m Sienna, Ramone’s wife.”

“It’s nice to meet you” smiled Lara

“Come on through, Ramone is manning the grill, no surprises there huh?” she winked at Greg

“Haha, yeah I guess not” laughed Greg awkwardly.

Once they made their way through to the back yard they were greeted once again by a larger than life Hispanic man.

“Greg!” he boomed “It’s great to see you!” before giving him a big bear hug.

Lara was taken aback by the sheer mass of this moustachioed man, his belly stood out proudly from his frame, truly globular in shape and seemed to hang several inches from his knees. She could make out a pair of massive man boobs under his shirt as he separated from Greg.

“And this must be little Lara!”

Ramone’s words drew her attention to his multi-chinned face.

“Hi Ramone, it’s a pleasure to meet you” 

Lara could feel that Ramone was a strong guy by the way he enveloped her in a tight hug.

“Oh trust me, the pleasure is all ours” he said as he draped his arm over Sienna’s shoulder, “we love to entertain and there’s nothing better than a BBQ to get together over, ain’t that right big guy?” he asked, giving Greg a playful tap on the belly.

“Haha right you are” replied Greg

“Oh, Greg and I love good BBQ, we went for steak last night at my insistence, Greg knew about today and didn’t say a word until we were already eating, isn’t that right baby?” asked Lara as she sidled up to Greg.

“Guilty as charged!” laughed Greg as he slipped his arm around Lara’s soft waist.

“Why don’t we go and fix some drinks Lara? Leave the boys to catch up?” asked Sienna

“Sounds like a good idea to me” replied Lara as the two made tracks towards the kitchen.

The men made some small talk about sports, cars and Ramone’s business before Ramone just came out and said it.

“So, aren’t you gonna ask me how I got so fat? It must have been a bit of a shock to see me like this.”

“Not as much as you might think” replied Greg

Ramone looked at him quizzically before he continued.

“You... you know her?”

“Would you be surprised to know I was around your size a good couple of years ago?”

Ramone searched Greg’s face for a sign that he may have been playing him for a fool but found none.

“Mother Feeder?” he asked in almost a hushed tone.

Greg simply nodded in response.

“Hey honey, keep an eye on the grill for me would ya? I’m just gonna show Greg the garage!”

“Sure thing hun, I'll be out in a sec!” replied Sienna, “boys and their toys huh?” she laughed.

“Oh yeah, Greg’s always wanting something new to play with” smiled Lara “when he’s not eating of course!”

“Oh well you gotta keep your man well fed! A happy tum make for a happy man, at least with mine anyway, always has been the same with him since we first met”

“How did you guys meet?” asked Lara, taking a sip of her wine

“Oh I met Ramone on a dating site that catered to the larger gentleman” replied Sienna matter-of-factly “he’s a man that isn’t ashamed of his size and that’s exactly what I was after” she smiled

“You went looking for a big guy?”

“Oh for sure! There’s a lot of girls out there like you and me.”

“Like us?” asked Lara

“Prefer fat guys, Ramone told me that Greg used to be much slimmer in high school”

“Yeah, he certainly was”

“I love a guy who knows what he wants and is confident enough to take it, Ramone wanted to eat and enjoy life, grow large and to hell what anyone thought of him. I admire him so much for that, I just wish I could join him in that life?”

“How do you mean?” asked Lara “You’re his wife, surely you get to share everything with him?”

“No, no you misunderstand me” laughed Sienna “I’m eternally thankful that I get to experience my husband’s largeness, but I know that he would enjoy it just as much as I would if I could match him in stature.”

“You want to get fat too?!” asked Lara

Sienna seemed pensive before answering “I love making my Ramone happy and he thinks I’d look amazing bigger, I have no doubt I would too, gaining weight doesn’t bother me at all. It’s just not meant to be”.

“Why is that?” asked Lara

“My genes, I couldn’t gain weight no matter how hard I tried” replied Sienna “And believe me I tried! But being a feedee isn’t my thing I’m sorry to say. No doubt things would be a lot easier if I was.”

“Well at least you get to indulge in Ramone’s weight” offered Lara

“Yeah but, it’d be so much better if we were both heavy ya know? I guess you have that to look forward to, you’re so lucky!”

“I do?” asked a confused Lara

“You can’t tell me you haven’t put on weight dating a guy like Greg” she replied, motioning to Lara’s soft midsection “And if Greg is anything like my Ramone I bet he loves it.”

Lara took a moment to think to herself, “Greg certainly hadn’t complained when I donned my softened form, could he be into bigger girls? Not that we’re really a couple anyway. I’m getting ahead of myself and being silly, I should really concentrate at the task at hand”.

Suddenly aware that Sienna was staring at her awaiting a response, Lara blurted out “Well Greg has been nothing but compliments since I’ve put on a few”.

“You’re so lucky! Here’s to a big future for you and Greg!” replied Sienna, raising her glass as a toast.

“Cheers” replied Lara before taking a sip “Say, Sienna. Do you like jewellery? I’ve got a lovely piece in my bag that I’d love to get your opinion on”.

Meanwhile in the garage Ramone and Greg were talking over their respective histories with Jean.

“I can’t believe we both fell in with that bruja!” exclaimed Ramone

“What are the odds right?” replied Greg 

“Listen man, we should probably go to the police about this, what you think?”

“And tell them what? Apart from emotional abuse there’s not a whole lot we can pin on her and what cop is gonna want to listen to that?!”

“Yeah, you have a point” replied Ramone “and now your girlfriend’s sister is mixed up with her?! Man, I wish there was something we could do.”

“Well, to be honest, that’s exactly why I looked you up”

Greg proceeded to tell Ramone about Lara’s plan to confront Jean and Diane along with the former victims of Mother Feeder in an attempt to snap her sister back to reality. Ramone agreed to help in any way he could, even offering transport for the posse should they need it.

Shortly after they re-joined their partners in the back yard and tucked into a veritable feast from Ramone’s grill. Greg was expecting Lara to go hog-wild over the selection on offer but was rather surprised when she ate with restrain, filling up rather quickly.

Sienna on the other hand ate like she hadn’t seen food in several months, something that was not lost on Ramone who gladly cooked more for his ravenous wife and helped her to bed to sleep off her over-indulgence way before Lara and Greg left that evening.

Once they were alone Greg had his questions for Lara.

“So, I take it you were behind Sienna’s suddenly voracious appetite?”

“Guilty as charged” smiled Lara

“What did you do?”

“Gave her Gillian’s feedee tendencies and Sharon’s ability to gain weight”

“What?!” spat Greg “The whole point of going to see these people was to get tools to use against Jean! What on earth are you going to do now that you’ve given them away?!”

Lara couldn’t help but grin as she turned to face Greg.

“That’s where you are wrong Greg, it’s where I was wrong too. Maybe when the note said that I was going to need help, maybe it meant that I was going to be the one doing the helping?”

Greg gave Lara a puzzled look “I don’t follow”

“I went looking for all these people looking for them to help me with my battle with Jean but, I always wound up helping them out in some way. Maybe my actions weren’t exactly selfless at the start but I’ve come to realise, this is bigger than just me and my sister. Jean has hurt a lot of people and I really feel it’s up to me to try and help them and in return, maybe I’ll get a chance to save Diane”.

Greg thought for a while before he answered Lara “I guess I was so wrapped up in getting revenge on Jean I didn’t think of it like that. But what are you going to do about confronting her? We’ve exhausted all of our leads on former victims and you’ll have to return home to England soon. If you’re going to make a move it’s going to have to be soon and you have no traits to use against her.”

“I know this journey is almost at its end Greg, and I may not have gathered any traits but this still works” replied Lara, donning the circlet and returning Greg’s borrowed weight “But I think I've found the power that I needed all along, the support of these wonderful people”.

“I hope you’re right Lara, for your sake if not your sister’s”

“Trust me, I’ve got a backup plan if it’s not enough.”

Greg couldn’t help but be worried by what Lara’s backup plan might be or wonder exactly how she planned to help him as a former victim. All he knew was that he was surely soon to find out.

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